Copyright 2006 EA Tischler / New Horizons Golf Approach. All rights reserved.
Prelude - Anchoring Techniques & Golf
This information was published in New Horizons Golf Approach
Pocket Coach Volume 6 - Anchoring Techniques & Golf.  
Copyright 2002, 2005 by EA Tischler. All rights reserved.


This volume of the New Horizons Golf Approach Pocket Coach Series is dedicated to what I call
“anchoring techniques for golf.”  Anchoring is a process of isolating and maintaining a centered and
balanced pivot point.  

The main principle for managing the anchoring process is what I call Observing the Triangle.  So, as
we progress through this Pocket Coach, we will identify the basic pivot points, isolate the basic types
of anchors, and observe the relationship of the Triangle.

In the end, this study of anchoring will explain how each player’s body type influences what technique
is best suited for each individual golfer.  It will also clarify why so many misunderstood techniques are
actually fundamentally sound techniques.

As you may foresee, this Pocket Coach is more technical or scientific than the previous volumes.  
Some players may consider this study too analytical an approach for their own personal preference.  
Before you dismiss it, consider that once you get beyond the theories, the applications are quite easy
to put into action.  

Though we all want to keep the game as simple as possible, we need to attend to the game’s
fundamentals.  Attending to these fundamentals involves understanding how your unique body type
will most efficiently satisfy the fundamental actions.

The more accomplished you want to be the more important it is to have a complete understanding of
all aspects that influence your game.  Therefore, this volume of the Pocket Coach series may, in the
end, be directed more toward low handicap and competitive golfers.  

However, I have also found the drills and topics introduced in this volume to be extremely valuable to
golfers of all levels.  Even beginning golfers have found it quite useful to understand why their body is
best suited to utilize one of the 3 anchoring systems.  

As a matter of fact, understanding this information often helps each student to stay on track with their
own way of playing.  It also helps each golfer avoid golf related injuries.  This is because anchoring
techniques are organized to utilize the unique properties of each golfer’s body type.

Average golfers often experiment with tips they read in a magazine, or see on TV.  Generally, these
tips relate to a variety of different styles that cannot work together.  As a result, golfers struggle to find
an effective style of play.  

Conversely, students who understand anchoring techniques experiment less because they
immediately recognize which tips will, or won’t, fit their style of play.  Thus, knowing you have a viable
style that fits your unique body type can help you decipher what information is appropriate for your
style of play.  

Although any of the Pocket Coach volumes can be studied and applied on their own, I urge you to
review the first five volumes before diving into this one.  Or at least study volume five.  It lays the
foundation for much of what is accomplished in this volume.  However, if you choose to study this
volume without reviewing the rest, you will still get a lot out of studying anchoring techniques.

As usual, I apologize to the left-handed golfer.  This volume, more than most, is described in right-
sided terms.  The condensed format of these books makes it too difficult to describe the process from
both sides of the ball.

may give you some insights as to the topics covered in the New
Horizons Golf Approach Pocket Coach Volume Six.

Table Of Contents


Part One – What’s Your Style?

What About Style?
What’s An Anchor?
Left Anchor
Right Anchor
Center Anchor
Transition The Styles

Part Two – Observe The Triangle

The A-Frame System
Left Triangle Application
Right Triangle Application
Center Triangle Application
Swing Anchor Comparisons
Summary Notes
Let’s Play Golf

Let’s Play G-O-L-F TM

Playing for a target score is only one way of implementing an on course strategy.  I believe to truly
play the game you cannot worry so much about your scoring strategy.  I think everyone is aware of
how well they are scoring, and they know they need to score as low as they can.  So, since the idea
of scoring is always present you do not need to focus on it.  Instead, focus on playing the game.

Truly playing the game involves feeling a game that fascinates you.  It involves striving to play the
type of game you usually dream of playing.  It’s about finding out your potential and
manifesting it in your play.  It’s about engaging yourself in the ongoing drama of sport.  It’s about
absorbing yourself into the possibility of expressing your true potential.  

It’s about
Gaming Out Life’s Fascinations.

So, when you walk out on the golf course, I’m inviting you to take the plunge, to go for it.  I’m inviting
you to play golf without putting so much emphasis on scoring low.  Win or lose, score low or high,
enjoy the adventure, keep a good attitude, and take something away from every round that makes
you a more accomplished golfer.
I n n o v a t i v e  C o a c h i n g  F o r  G o l f e r s